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 Machine Nation forms a Government

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Machine Nation forms a Government - Page 12 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Machine Nation forms a Government   Machine Nation forms a Government - Page 12 EmptyMon Jun 30, 2008 2:29 am

EvotingMachine0197 wrote:
Ard-Taoiseach wrote:
Since we have a Government here in the Machine Nation, I think it would also be good if we had a Council of State. This Council would advise myself an Taoiseach and the Cabinet on overall policy formation.

I have a few people in mind for the Council, I shall endeavour to post more details tomorrow.

Eh... Charlie Bird.... RTE....can you give us any details on the plans for this Council of State ?

Some individuals will be tasked with the responsibility to lend their services to advise the Government in the areas of Governmental interest.
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