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 Machine Nation forms a Government

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Machine Nation forms a Government Empty
PostSubject: Re: Machine Nation forms a Government   Machine Nation forms a Government EmptyMon Apr 28, 2008 1:13 am

Ard-Taoiseach wrote:
cactus flower wrote:
Me too. And I am looking forward to Jared Diamond's solutions, and to us coming up with even better ones.

And we can apply those solutions to ensure and safe-guard the ongoing well-being of our civilisation here in the Machine Nation!
Exactly - the threat could come from superbugs in my opinion but it's really a guess.

Do you think they are talking about MN on the SBP today?
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Machine Nation forms a Government Empty
PostSubject: Re: Machine Nation forms a Government   Machine Nation forms a Government EmptyMon Apr 28, 2008 1:16 am

Auditor #9 wrote:
Ard-Taoiseach wrote:
cactus flower wrote:
Me too. And I am looking forward to Jared Diamond's solutions, and to us coming up with even better ones.

And we can apply those solutions to ensure and safe-guard the ongoing well-being of our civilisation here in the Machine Nation!
Exactly - the threat could come from superbugs in my opinion but it's really a guess.

Do you think they are talking about MN on the SBP today?

The job is made for us. The Ard-T can have finance (gulp), you can have Science and Technology and I'll have Environment, if you don't mind.
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Machine Nation forms a Government Empty
PostSubject: Re: Machine Nation forms a Government   Machine Nation forms a Government EmptyMon Apr 28, 2008 1:17 am

I could be an energy Auditor Wink
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Machine Nation forms a Government Empty
PostSubject: Re: Machine Nation forms a Government   Machine Nation forms a Government EmptyMon Apr 28, 2008 1:22 am

bounce You surely could.
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Machine Nation forms a Government Empty
PostSubject: Re: Machine Nation forms a Government   Machine Nation forms a Government EmptyMon Apr 28, 2008 10:29 pm

cactus flower wrote:

The job is made for us. The Ard-T can have finance (gulp)

Why do you gulp, cactus flower? I'd be a very good Minister for Finance. I'd restrain real govt spending growth to 2% pa with 1% growth in current spending and 3% growth in capital expenditure. My fiscal restraint and dis-inflationary budgetary stance would enhance Ireland's cost competitiveness and provide me and the Department with sufficient resources to supply significant fiscal alleviation to businesses, workers and those who find it difficult to cope. I would, over the long term, progressively reduce taxes, restrain inflation and foster an environment of truly sustainable growth.
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Machine Nation forms a Government Empty
PostSubject: Re: Machine Nation forms a Government   Machine Nation forms a Government EmptyMon Apr 28, 2008 10:31 pm

Ard-Taoiseach wrote:
cactus flower wrote:

The job is made for us. The Ard-T can have finance (gulp)

Why do you gulp, cactus flower? I'd be a very good Minister for Finance. I'd restrain real govt spending growth to 2% pa with 1% growth in current spending and 3% growth in capital expenditure. My fiscal restraint and dis-inflationary budgetary stance would enhance Ireland's cost competitiveness and provide me and the Department with sufficient resources to supply significant fiscal alleviation to businesses, workers and those who find it difficult to cope. I would, over the long term, progressively reduce taxes, restrain inflation and foster an environment of truly sustainable growth.

Where would you wield the knife, Ard-Taoiseach, to bridge the gap between the 1% growth in spending and next year's 7% inflation?
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Machine Nation forms a Government Empty
PostSubject: Re: Machine Nation forms a Government   Machine Nation forms a Government EmptyMon Apr 28, 2008 10:34 pm

cactus flower wrote:
Ard-Taoiseach wrote:
cactus flower wrote:

The job is made for us. The Ard-T can have finance (gulp)

Why do you gulp, cactus flower? I'd be a very good Minister for Finance. I'd restrain real govt spending growth to 2% pa with 1% growth in current spending and 3% growth in capital expenditure. My fiscal restraint and dis-inflationary budgetary stance would enhance Ireland's cost competitiveness and provide me and the Department with sufficient resources to supply significant fiscal alleviation to businesses, workers and those who find it difficult to cope. I would, over the long term, progressively reduce taxes, restrain inflation and foster an environment of truly sustainable growth.

Where would you wield the knife, Ard-Taoiseach, to bridge the gap between the 1% growth in spending and next year's 7% inflation?

Health, Defence, the Civil Service, all departments except Education would be clamped down upon. It's in the long-term interests of the State. Ray McSharry's austerity provided the fiscal frame-work for our economic boom. We must remain disciplined.
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Machine Nation forms a Government Empty
PostSubject: Re: Machine Nation forms a Government   Machine Nation forms a Government EmptyMon Apr 28, 2008 11:19 pm

I can not think of a bigger waste of money than the Irish Army. Who is expecting an invasion and from where. Is there a real person called Willie O Dee because I saw a skit with some lad pointing a big gun at a person and thought it was a father dougle show episode or something
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Machine Nation forms a Government Empty
PostSubject: Re: Machine Nation forms a Government   Machine Nation forms a Government EmptyMon Apr 28, 2008 11:57 pm

Machine Nation forms a Government Bigwill_160602b

This is he.
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Machine Nation forms a Government Empty
PostSubject: Re: Machine Nation forms a Government   Machine Nation forms a Government EmptyMon Apr 28, 2008 11:59 pm

Does anyone know how to split this thread? Possibly into one Collapse part, one Machine Nation Forms a Government thread and another Irish Army thread??
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Machine Nation forms a Government Empty
PostSubject: Machine Nation forms a Government   Machine Nation forms a Government EmptyTue Apr 29, 2008 12:09 am

Here's a thread devoted to the tangent the Collapse thread just went on there.
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Machine Nation forms a Government Empty
PostSubject: Re: Machine Nation forms a Government   Machine Nation forms a Government EmptyTue Apr 29, 2008 12:24 am

Right. Any volunteers for Defence?
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Machine Nation forms a Government Empty
PostSubject: Re: Machine Nation forms a Government   Machine Nation forms a Government EmptyTue Apr 29, 2008 12:27 am

Who looks best in uniform?
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Machine Nation forms a Government Empty
PostSubject: Re: Machine Nation forms a Government   Machine Nation forms a Government EmptyTue Apr 29, 2008 12:29 am

youngdan wrote:
I can not think of a bigger waste of money than the Irish Army. Who is expecting an invasion and from where. Is there a real person called Willie O Dee because I saw a skit with some lad pointing a big gun at a person and thought it was a father dougle show episode or something
The New Zealand Prime Minister (a woman) in 2001 or soon after, scrapped the NZ air force combat capability deeming it superfluous. I don't know if it's back.
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Machine Nation forms a Government Empty
PostSubject: Re: Machine Nation forms a Government   Machine Nation forms a Government EmptyTue Apr 29, 2008 12:42 am

That can't be his real name. Who is the bigger mug. The lad that is pointing a gun with his finger on the trigger or the levit that took the picture. Heston would have given this guy a kick in the magizine. I am going to guess that this John Wayne wannabee is not a 6 foot 16 stone alpha male
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Machine Nation forms a Government Empty
PostSubject: Re: Machine Nation forms a Government   Machine Nation forms a Government EmptyTue Apr 29, 2008 1:38 am

Ard-Taoiseach wrote:
cactus flower wrote:
Ard-Taoiseach wrote:
cactus flower wrote:

The job is made for us. The Ard-T can have finance (gulp)

Why do you gulp, cactus flower? I'd be a very good Minister for Finance. I'd restrain real govt spending growth to 2% pa with 1% growth in current spending and 3% growth in capital expenditure. My fiscal restraint and dis-inflationary budgetary stance would enhance Ireland's cost competitiveness and provide me and the Department with sufficient resources to supply significant fiscal alleviation to businesses, workers and those who find it difficult to cope. I would, over the long term, progressively reduce taxes, restrain inflation and foster an environment of truly sustainable growth.

Where would you wield the knife, Ard-Taoiseach, to bridge the gap between the 1% growth in spending and next year's 7% inflation?

Health, Defence, the Civil Service, all departments except Education would be clamped down upon. It's in the long-term interests of the State. Ray McSharry's austerity provided the fiscal frame-work for our economic boom. We must remain disciplined.

I`m going to organise disgruntled ex-soldiers into a militia and launch a coup d`état. You`ll only survive if you promise to enact economic policies that will be increasingly rash as power goes to my head. People who support me will get a house each to begin with and a job in the civil service. In order to stay in power I`ll need an army of informants. One on every street. You will get to inform on those who criticise me as well as those who may have personally offended you over the years. For this you will be handsomely rewarded. Any takers?
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Machine Nation forms a Government Empty
PostSubject: Re: Machine Nation forms a Government   Machine Nation forms a Government EmptyTue Apr 29, 2008 1:43 am

anmajornarthainig wrote:
Ard-Taoiseach wrote:
cactus flower wrote:
Ard-Taoiseach wrote:
cactus flower wrote:

The job is made for us. The Ard-T can have finance (gulp)

Why do you gulp, cactus flower? I'd be a very good Minister for Finance. I'd restrain real govt spending growth to 2% pa with 1% growth in current spending and 3% growth in capital expenditure. My fiscal restraint and dis-inflationary budgetary stance would enhance Ireland's cost competitiveness and provide me and the Department with sufficient resources to supply significant fiscal alleviation to businesses, workers and those who find it difficult to cope. I would, over the long term, progressively reduce taxes, restrain inflation and foster an environment of truly sustainable growth.

Where would you wield the knife, Ard-Taoiseach, to bridge the gap between the 1% growth in spending and next year's 7% inflation?

Health, Defence, the Civil Service, all departments except Education would be clamped down upon. It's in the long-term interests of the State. Ray McSharry's austerity provided the fiscal frame-work for our economic boom. We must remain disciplined.

I`m going to organise disgruntled ex-soldiers into a militia and launch a coup d`état. You`ll only survive if you promise to enact economic policies that will be increasingly rash as power goes to my head. People who support me will get a house each to begin with and a job in the civil service. In order to stay in power I`ll need an army of informants. One on every street. You will get to inform on those who criticise me as well as being who may have personally offended you over the years. For this you will be handsomely rewarded. Any takers?

Nice try anmajornarthainig. I will be waiting for you in the undergrowth with an army of hippies and balaclava wearing disaffected sacked HSE workers. We will enlist cross border support and the UN will send in a "peace enforcing" corps who will isolate you in a camp fed on soya protein rations served by Irish nuns.
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Fourth Master: Growth

Number of posts : 4226
Registration date : 2008-03-11

Machine Nation forms a Government Empty
PostSubject: Re: Machine Nation forms a Government   Machine Nation forms a Government EmptyTue Apr 29, 2008 1:50 am

I will fight against the BWDSHSEW !
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Machine Nation forms a Government Empty
PostSubject: Re: Machine Nation forms a Government   Machine Nation forms a Government EmptyTue Apr 29, 2008 1:52 am

cactus flower, (no capitals because of your sedition)
I`ll buy the hippies off with a vague promise to legalise hash. They won`t remember which side they were on anyway. The HSE workers will be so decentralised that they`ll be easy to mop up. As for the nuns. How do you propose getting the nuns and the hippies on the same side? You obviously haven`t been giving this the kind of high quality thinking that I have. You`re screwed, but because I like you I`ll amnesty you and give you an island. Which one do you fancy? Inis Oírr is lovely,if a bit small. Cape Clear? Achill? Which one do you want?
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Machine Nation forms a Government Empty
PostSubject: Re: Machine Nation forms a Government   Machine Nation forms a Government EmptyTue Apr 29, 2008 1:58 am

The U.K. Very Happy
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Machine Nation forms a Government Empty
PostSubject: Re: Machine Nation forms a Government   Machine Nation forms a Government EmptyTue Apr 29, 2008 1:58 am

cactus flower wrote:
The U.K. Very Happy

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Machine Nation forms a Government Empty
PostSubject: Re: Machine Nation forms a Government   Machine Nation forms a Government EmptyTue Apr 29, 2008 2:11 am

O xrist. Shall I be a benevolent dictator or start a bottom up revolution - Help! Riadach!

And should I allow them to secede from Ireland???
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Machine Nation forms a Government Empty
PostSubject: Re: Machine Nation forms a Government   Machine Nation forms a Government EmptyTue Apr 29, 2008 11:47 pm

anmajornarthainig wrote:
Ard-Taoiseach wrote:

Health, Defence, the Civil Service, all departments except Education would be clamped down upon. It's in the long-term interests of the State. Ray McSharry's austerity provided the fiscal frame-work for our economic boom. We must remain disciplined.

I`m going to organise disgruntled ex-soldiers into a militia and launch a coup d`état. You`ll only survive if you promise to enact economic policies that will be increasingly rash as power goes to my head. People who support me will get a house each to begin with and a job in the civil service. In order to stay in power I`ll need an army of informants. One on every street. You will get to inform on those who criticise me as well as those who may have personally offended you over the years. For this you will be handsomely rewarded. Any takers?

I spit on your threats, anmajortnatháinig, I'll turn the Defence Forces from a fiscal drag into a fiscal engine. I'll privatise the armed forces in that I will contract them out to the world's armed forces charging per soldier. This will mean that we will make money from the armed forces while reducing our expenditure since they will be equipped by other country's governments.

Therefore, I will turn a multi-million expense into a multi-million income stream. That will provide me with the resources required to reduce the fiscal burden on the dynamic classes and build social capital. Also, it starves you of a base. Laughing
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Machine Nation forms a Government Empty
PostSubject: Re: Machine Nation forms a Government   Machine Nation forms a Government EmptyTue Apr 29, 2008 11:57 pm

Ard-Taoiseach wrote:
anmajornarthainig wrote:
Ard-Taoiseach wrote:

Health, Defence, the Civil Service, all departments except Education would be clamped down upon. It's in the long-term interests of the State. Ray McSharry's austerity provided the fiscal frame-work for our economic boom. We must remain disciplined.

I`m going to organise disgruntled ex-soldiers into a militia and launch a coup d`état. You`ll only survive if you promise to enact economic policies that will be increasingly rash as power goes to my head. People who support me will get a house each to begin with and a job in the civil service. In order to stay in power I`ll need an army of informants. One on every street. You will get to inform on those who criticise me as well as those who may have personally offended you over the years. For this you will be handsomely rewarded. Any takers?

I spit on your threats, anmajortnatháinig, I'll turn the Defence Forces from a fiscal drag into a fiscal engine. I'll privatise the armed forces in that I will contract them out to the world's armed forces charging per soldier. This will mean that we will make money from the armed forces while reducing our expenditure since they will be equipped by other country's governments.

Therefore, I will turn a multi-million expense into a multi-million income stream. That will provide me with the resources required to reduce the fiscal burden on the dynamic classes and build social capital. Also, it starves you of a base. Laughing

I`ll defeat your plan by infiltrating the airwaves and playing the same verse of the Foggy Dew over and over again:

"Still their lonely graves are by Suvla`s waves or on the fringe of the great North Sea
Oh had they died by Pearse`s side or fought with Cathal Brugha
still their names we would keep where the Fenians sleep
neath the shroud of the Foggy Dew."

That should scupper your nefarious scheme.
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Machine Nation forms a Government Empty
PostSubject: Re: Machine Nation forms a Government   Machine Nation forms a Government EmptyWed Apr 30, 2008 12:03 am

anmajornarthainig wrote:

I`ll defeat your plan by infiltrating the airwaves and playing the same verse of the Foggy Dew over and over again:

"Still their lonely graves are by Suvla`s waves or on the fringe of the great North Sea
Oh had they died by Pearse`s side or fought with Cathal Brugha
still their names we would keep where the Fenians sleep
neath the shroud of the Foggy Dew."

That should scupper your nefarious scheme.

Hmm... and you don't think I'll be pumping the air-waves with subliminal messages as well?
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PostSubject: Re: Machine Nation forms a Government   Machine Nation forms a Government Empty

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