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 The Obama Administration / State of the Union Address

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The Obama Administration /  State of the Union Address Empty
PostSubject: The Obama Administration / State of the Union Address   The Obama Administration /  State of the Union Address EmptySat Nov 08, 2008 12:14 am

2 U.S. Airstrikes in Pakistan kill twenty Davos stimulus passes Sends 17,000 Troops to Afghanistan February 2009

I'm not in any way up on this but I think the New Administration is of course worth a thread in itself. I know jack about the people he's appointing nor their positions and what they mean so I'm hoping to learn a bit on this thread.

The Obama Administration /  State of the Union Address Paul-volcker
Paul Volcker, former Fed Chairman

There's speculation over on boards that a good few household names e.g. Warren Buffet, John Kerry and Colin Powell will be part of Obama's Administration. Someone called Rahm Emanuel is Chief of Staff - I thought that had something to do with the military. Paul Volcker is in there as well and I've heard about him - he's a "Central Bankers Banker" who used to be Fed Chairman under Reagan in the eighties. Apparently he'd use the New York Subway after a Fed meeting to save money. Here's "Mr. Fed" talking about him in April in relation to the Credit Crisis. It might be of interest to anyone still interested in the greatest banking cock up ever.

Last edited by Auditor #9 on Wed Feb 25, 2009 11:33 am; edited 11 times in total (Reason for editing : to tighten the thread title.)
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The Obama Administration /  State of the Union Address Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Obama Administration / State of the Union Address   The Obama Administration /  State of the Union Address EmptySat Nov 08, 2008 2:57 am

No surprise to me.

Things are looking good. The WH boss seems to be a fighter. Overlook the fact that it was the Israeli Army. Far be it from me to say the Jews are running the show. So all the lads that support the palistinians will be happy because the problem will be solved quickly

Does anyone know if NDS stopped crying yet. He was blubbering for hours, no pun intended, back on on Tuesday night.

There are some seriousely deluded left wing fanatics on this site so I will not mention the new national police force or force community service to the state with the new Obama Youth Brigade. It is on Obama's website for those who wish to discuss this next week.

I told ye Obama was a far right fascist months ago. He wants his new brownshirts to be as large as the present defense forces. Here are 2 potential officers already on duty
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The Obama Administration /  State of the Union Address Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Obama Administration / State of the Union Address   The Obama Administration /  State of the Union Address EmptySat Nov 08, 2008 3:44 am

Quote :
Yes, it's Change, as The One chooses his one, Congressman Rahm Emanuel (D-IL), to be his H.R. Haldeman. Emanuel is known for being smart and intense, mailing dead fish to people he hates, and freaking out at subordinates. Loving revenge, never forgiving a slight, and brooking no dissent, he's famous as an enforcer. Such figures are valued in the state (and the Mafia), if not in private society. Emanuel, with Pelosi's blessing, famously blocked antiwar Democrats from running for the House in 2006 (he controlled the money for new candidates). Emanuel is an advocate of endless war in the Middle East. No chickenhawk, during the Gulf War, he volunteered as a civilian worker for the Israeli army. His father Benjamin, a physician, was a guerilla fighter for the Irgun against the British occupation of Palestine. The Irgun, a secret insurgent group, is described by unfriendlies as a terrorist organization for such acts as bombing the King David Hotel and ethnically cleansing with extreme prejudice Arab villages. Rahm's mother, Martha, was a civil-rights activist and rock 'n roll nightclub owner in Chicago.

Nothing is simply with you boys over there ever is it ? This Rahm Emanuel - he's working for the Jews now but his father was a Palestinian Arabic Freedom Fighter?

What does Rahm Emanuel's job entail anyhow - I can't remember who was Chief of Staff in the Bush gang.
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The Obama Administration /  State of the Union Address Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Obama Administration / State of the Union Address   The Obama Administration /  State of the Union Address EmptySat Nov 08, 2008 4:49 am

I know they decriminalised canabis here the other day but I did not think the effects would kick in so soon.
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The Obama Administration /  State of the Union Address Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Obama Administration / State of the Union Address   The Obama Administration /  State of the Union Address EmptySat Nov 08, 2008 6:15 am

Ron Paul hasn't gone away, anyway. Here he is saying woof, woof on the Alex Jones show. Or possibly just travelling through Dagenham - who knows?
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The Obama Administration /  State of the Union Address Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Obama Administration / State of the Union Address   The Obama Administration /  State of the Union Address EmptySat Nov 08, 2008 12:07 pm

youngdan wrote:
I know they decriminalised canabis here the other day but I did not think the effects would kick in so soon.

Cyberianpan opened the thread on it here.

Quote :
Massachusetts voters today approved a ballot initiative to decriminalize possession of small amounts of marijuana, making getting caught with less than an ounce of pot punishable by a civil fine of $100. The change in the law means someone found carrying as many as dozens of marijuana cigarettes will no longer be reported to the state’s criminal history board.
Boston Globe

This ballot initiative is hardly directly connected with Obama already ? Can groups lobby for bills to be put through your parliamentary system or what youngdan ? Or are the parliamentarians the only ones who can initiate bills acts and laws over there ? Decriminalisation can only be a good thing unless you believe that some crowd are going to get the world stoned so there will only be futile resistance when they unleash the new order on everyone. (It's worth reading through some of the 270 comments at the end of that article on the Boston Globe)

ibis wrote:
Ron Paul hasn't gone away, anyway. Here he is saying woof, woof on the Alex Jones show. Or possibly just travelling through Dagenham - who knows?
He's right about one thing when he says McCain wasn't meant to win - although I don't know about the "they" when he adds - They ran a corpse. There's a bit of a contradiction here with the stuff Jones and Ron Paul are coming out with, I think. If you listen to Peter Schiff (Ron Paul economic adviser) on that interview list he gives a breakdown of what happened with the huge debts that Americans ran up over the past past twenty years or longer if you watch the 30-minute I.O.U.S.A. video.

Now we are expecting a new world monetary order on the back of the international financial trouble which these debts and the deregulation of borrowing on the back of debts and overpriced assets has caused. Now, wouldn't promotion of a green lifestyle not encourage more independence and self-sufficiency (that Jones advises) because it is inherently a conservative way of living and tends ultimately towards independence, often even on a personal scale but I'm referring to a national scale. Why wasn't Jones promoting this or something like it ? Is his solution to go to backwater Texas to a plot, with your 4x4, a fishing rod and a gun ? I suppose the 4x4 will be run on Alaskan oil ? Why doesn't he advocate a diesel-engined Yaris and because fuel is so cheap over there the Texas boy could stock up on gallons and gallons - a few years supply then off with him to the backwater ? Why isn't Jones advocating and actively promoting a more conservative lifestyle and questioning and challenging the inflated house prices which caused a lot of this ?

Keeping an eye on the chance of an Orwellian 1984 happening or being imposed is worth the trouble but there has to be practical advice on the way. I don't know if Jones gives any of this.
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The Obama Administration /  State of the Union Address Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Obama Administration / State of the Union Address   The Obama Administration /  State of the Union Address EmptySat Nov 08, 2008 12:22 pm

I'm interested to see where he puts Samantha Power, she is an academic at Harvard who was senior in her campaign until she said something crude about Hillary and had to resign. The interesting point is that she was born in Ireland and lived here until she was 10.
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The Obama Administration /  State of the Union Address Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Obama Administration / State of the Union Address   The Obama Administration /  State of the Union Address EmptySat Nov 08, 2008 3:32 pm

Auditor #9 wrote:

What does Rahm Emanuel's job entail anyhow - I can't remember who was Chief of Staff in the Bush gang.

Don't you watch the West Wing? The Chief of Staff manages the staff of the White House, chairs meetings of the senior members of the White House, sits at meetings with the President and the Joint Chiefs of Staff at national defence meetings and is the President's right-hand man with access to the POTUS 24 hours a day.

The current chief of staff is Joshua B. Bolten, he's fairly anonymous given he's only been there for about 2 years and Andrew Card was there for so long before.
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The Obama Administration /  State of the Union Address Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Obama Administration / State of the Union Address   The Obama Administration /  State of the Union Address EmptySat Nov 08, 2008 8:11 pm

All the Obama beauts here must be in shellshock with the realisation that an Israeli soldier is his right hand man. The shock, the shock, it is too much much.

Not to worry, all we need now is Colin Powel to get a big job. There is talk of Rubin as Treasury Secretary. That would be change, one CEO of Goldman Sacks replacing another. John Kerry is being mentioned, maybe he could be described as a new face.

This guy has not even been elected yet and I would say there are 5 million who voted last Tuesday that have woken up already;

Good morning suckers.
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The Obama Administration /  State of the Union Address Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Obama Administration / State of the Union Address   The Obama Administration /  State of the Union Address EmptySat Nov 08, 2008 8:41 pm

youngdan wrote:
All the Obama beauts here must be in shellshock with the realisation that an Israeli soldier is his right hand man. The shock, the shock, it is too much much.

Not to worry, all we need now is Colin Powel to get a big job. There is talk of Rubin as Treasury Secretary. That would be change, one CEO of Goldman Sacks replacing another. John Kerry is being mentioned, maybe he could be described as a new face.

This guy has not even been elected yet and I would say there are 5 million who voted last Tuesday that have woken up already;

Good morning suckers.

I'd like to see Colin Powell in there, for sure.
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The Obama Administration /  State of the Union Address Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Obama Administration / State of the Union Address   The Obama Administration /  State of the Union Address EmptySat Nov 08, 2008 10:55 pm

ibis wrote:
youngdan wrote:
All the Obama beauts here must be in shellshock with the realisation that an Israeli soldier is his right hand man. The shock, the shock, it is too much much.

Not to worry, all we need now is Colin Powel to get a big job. There is talk of Rubin as Treasury Secretary. That would be change, one CEO of Goldman Sacks replacing another. John Kerry is being mentioned, maybe he could be described as a new face.

This guy has not even been elected yet and I would say there are 5 million who voted last Tuesday that have woken up already;

Good morning suckers.

I'd like to see Colin Powell in there, for sure.

And Rahm Emmanuel is the basis for Josh Lyman's character in West Wing. Josh Lyman! He is, as we say, kosher if he inspired one of the top characters in West Wing. Obama is Santos and Emmanuel is Lyman, who becomes Chief of Staff to Santos. The West Wing is becoming real! What a Face
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The Obama Administration /  State of the Union Address Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Obama Administration / State of the Union Address   The Obama Administration /  State of the Union Address EmptySat Nov 08, 2008 11:02 pm

Thanks ArdT for the info on the Chief of Staff. I think I remember Boulton - did he have a walrus moustache ?

So you'd recommend that I feck off now and watch the WW for an education on this thing, Ard-Taoiseach ? The Six Season pack I possess is still wrapped in plastic, I fear and I don't know why I'm saving it and not watching it - perhaps I sense a time of absolute boredom ahead like getting a job, having to survive a nuclear war or having to spend two or three mind-numbing weeks at the home of a friend or relative - eek.

So is Rahm Emanuel a good dude or a bad one or neither ? And why would ibis like to see Colin Powell around there do you think ? Would you like to see him around there Administering ? Does one party normally have someone from the other party on the team or has Powell defected ?
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The Obama Administration /  State of the Union Address Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Obama Administration / State of the Union Address   The Obama Administration /  State of the Union Address EmptySat Nov 08, 2008 11:10 pm

Auditor #9 wrote:
Thanks ArdT for the info on the Chief of Staff. I think I remember Boulton - did he have a walrus moustache ?

You're very welcome Audi. That's John Bolton of which you think. He is the former US ambassador to the UN. I'd say he'd like to be Chief of Staff.

Quote :
So you'd recommend that I feck off now and watch the WW for an education on this thing, Ard-Taoiseach ? The Six Season pack I possess is still wrapped in plastic, I fear and I don't know why I'm saving it and not watching it - perhaps I sense a time of absolute boredom ahead like getting a job, having to survive a nuclear war or having to spend two or three mind-numbing weeks at the home of a friend or relative - eek.

You have the full box set of West Wing? I am green with envy! All I can say is watch it, watch it, watch it. It is easily one of the five best television series of all time.

Quote :
So is Rahm Emanuel a good dude or a bad one or neither ? And why would ibis like to see Colin Powell around there do you think ? Would you like to see him around there Administering ? Does one party normally have someone from the other party on the team or has Powell defected ?

He's very good if he is the basis for Lyman who is one of my more favoured characters in WW. I would say ibis would want Colin Powell as he is someone with sense, gravitas and administrative experience. He was wasted in the madhouse which was the Bush administration. The President can pick whoever he wants for the Cabinet and the tradition is to have a couple of hold-overs from the previous administration, select a few people in the party and pick a businessman/economist/general or two to fill the other positions. It's supposed to be a government of all the talents. The cabinet should resemble a sort of executive dream team. Norman Mineta and Richard Clarke were two hold-overs of the Clinton Administration who went on to suffer under Bush.
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The Obama Administration /  State of the Union Address Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Obama Administration / State of the Union Address   The Obama Administration /  State of the Union Address EmptySat Nov 08, 2008 11:18 pm

Colin Powell didn't lie