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 Planned Obsolescence - False Demand or Economy Driver?

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Planned Obsolescence - False Demand or Economy Driver? - Page 3 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Planned Obsolescence - False Demand or Economy Driver?   Planned Obsolescence - False Demand or Economy Driver? - Page 3 EmptySat Feb 14, 2009 2:10 am

Pax wrote:
Anyway discussing this concept of constraining consumption is very hard when participants are loathe to step outside of the box of the current economy.

Quite willing to do so, but not on the basis that the only possible alternative is parecon!
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Planned Obsolescence - False Demand or Economy Driver? - Page 3 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Planned Obsolescence - False Demand or Economy Driver?   Planned Obsolescence - False Demand or Economy Driver? - Page 3 EmptySat Feb 14, 2009 2:44 am

Paul R wrote:
Squire wrote:
I don't see too many 25 year old fridges or washing machines, and know of few photocopiers or printers that last more than a few years. I see tools where motors burn out, cupboards and furniture that falls apart, windows where the fixings for handles and hinges are weak, plastic bodies that crack, flooring where the decorative finish is wafer thin.
Reading the above, I am a bit worried about where you buy stuff... :-)However, in all honesty how many people would be prepared to pay the large premium required to ensure their washing machine lasted 25 years? Consumers typically don't have "It must have 25 year life-cycle" as one of their top purchase decision making points - if they did, manufactures probably would respond to it.Also, I'd really, really hate to be running a computer at the end of its 25 year life cycle - we'd be on DOS 1.0 if we were lucky :-)

In truth most of my own furniture is fairly old, and is likely to be around long after I depart this earth. I don't buy Ikea type furniture, see enough of it and am not impressed by the standards of construction, jointing, materials etc.

I would regard computers more akin to machine tools and those you do need to replace as the technology dates and becomes inefficient, but I have never had a desire to continually buy new toasters. That is just a nuisance.
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Planned Obsolescence - False Demand or Economy Driver? - Page 3 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Planned Obsolescence - False Demand or Economy Driver?   Planned Obsolescence - False Demand or Economy Driver? - Page 3 EmptySun Feb 15, 2009 10:18 pm

ibis wrote:
Pax wrote:
Anyway discussing this concept of constraining consumption is very hard when participants are loathe to step outside of the box of the current economy.

Quite willing to do so, but not on the basis that the only possible alternative is parecon!

I'd be happy with contributors considering any alternative, never mind my own anarchist or libertarian socialist interests.
Stepping outside of the box is hard I know, but it makes for more interesting debate imho.
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Planned Obsolescence - False Demand or Economy Driver? - Page 3 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Planned Obsolescence - False Demand or Economy Driver?   Planned Obsolescence - False Demand or Economy Driver? - Page 3 EmptySun Feb 15, 2009 10:43 pm

Ibis, the bottom has fallen out of the box.
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Planned Obsolescence - False Demand or Economy Driver? - Page 3 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Planned Obsolescence - False Demand or Economy Driver?   Planned Obsolescence - False Demand or Economy Driver? - Page 3 Empty

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