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 Star Trek: The Original Series(of Questions)

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Star Trek: The Original Series(of Questions) Empty
PostSubject: Star Trek: The Original Series(of Questions)   Star Trek: The Original Series(of Questions) EmptySun Jun 01, 2008 3:02 am

Righteo lads, lasses and everything in between, I have below-a Star Trek Quiz!

The person who gets the most right wins a bottle of Romulan ale, which will be presented in an Sibín Reoite.

1.Empok Nor, Terok Nor, ?

What completes the series and why?

2.What class vessel is the USS Voyager?

3.Where is the Promenade?

4.Vorta, Jem'Hadar, the Founders.

Which quadrant are we talking about here?

5.What is the title of the Bajoran spiritual leader?

6.Who was, in Star Trek, the first captain of the USS Enterprise?

7.What is the title of the last ever episode of Star Trek: The Next Generation?

8.Strips, bars and bricks. What are we talking about here?

9.What is the first thing that the crew of the Voyager see when they are thrown 70,000 light-years from home?

10. Core, nacelle, factor.

Which word links these three together?
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Star Trek: The Original Series(of Questions) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Star Trek: The Original Series(of Questions)   Star Trek: The Original Series(of Questions) EmptySun Jun 01, 2008 3:21 am

AAAAAaargh ?
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Star Trek: The Original Series(of Questions) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Star Trek: The Original Series(of Questions)   Star Trek: The Original Series(of Questions) EmptySun Jun 01, 2008 5:11 am

Number 8 refers to a substance that I would be talking about a lot. That and a guess at Pike for Captain
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Star Trek: The Original Series(of Questions) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Star Trek: The Original Series(of Questions)   Star Trek: The Original Series(of Questions) EmptySun Jun 01, 2008 3:32 pm

youngdan wrote:
Number 8 refers to a substance that I would be talking about a lot. That and a guess at Pike for Captain

You're doing well, youngdan, I'm sure you'll be able to answer the rest.
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Star Trek: The Original Series(of Questions) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Star Trek: The Original Series(of Questions)   Star Trek: The Original Series(of Questions) EmptySun Jun 01, 2008 3:57 pm

Ard-Taoiseach wrote:
Righteo lads, lasses and everything in between, I have below-a Star Trek Quiz!

The person who gets the most right wins a bottle of Romulan ale, which will be presented in an Sibín Reoite.

1.Empok Nor, Terok Nor, ?

What completes the series and why?
Deep Space 9. After the Cardassian's retreat the Bajorans joind the federation and it was renamed Deep Space 9.

2.What class vessel is the USS Voyager?

3.Where is the Promenade?
On Deep Space 9. (AKA LiffeyValley)

4.Vorta, Jem'Hadar, the Founders.

Which quadrant are we talking about here?

5.What is the title of the Bajoran spiritual leader?

6.Who was, in Star Trek, the first captain of the USS Enterprise?
Jonathan Archer?

7.What is the title of the last ever episode of Star Trek: The Next Generation?
All good things

8.Strips, bars and bricks. What are we talking about here?

9.What is the first thing that the crew of the Voyager see when they are thrown 70,000 light-years from home?
A farm.

10. Core, nacelle, factor.

Which word links these three together?

Last edited by cookiemonster on Sun Jun 01, 2008 10:17 pm; edited 1 time in total
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Star Trek: The Original Series(of Questions) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Star Trek: The Original Series(of Questions)   Star Trek: The Original Series(of Questions) EmptySun Jun 01, 2008 4:02 pm

cookiemonster's in the lead with more than half right. Romulan ale could be going across your Neutral Zone! Wink
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Star Trek: The Original Series(of Questions) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Star Trek: The Original Series(of Questions)   Star Trek: The Original Series(of Questions) EmptySun Jun 01, 2008 4:05 pm

Ard-Taoiseach wrote:
cookiemonster's in the lead with more than half right. Romulan ale could be going across your Neutral Zone! Wink

See, a fan of all ale me!

*and now I have Shatner's "I'm a Canadian" running around in my head*
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Star Trek: The Original Series(of Questions) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Star Trek: The Original Series(of Questions)   Star Trek: The Original Series(of Questions) EmptySun Jun 01, 2008 4:09 pm

cookiemonster wrote:
Ard-Taoiseach wrote:
cookiemonster's in the lead with more than half right. Romulan ale could be going across your Neutral Zone! Wink

See, a fan of all ale me!

Yep, tis a great brew which I won from the Praetor himself in a game of dom jot.

Quote :
*and now I have Shatner's "I'm a Canadian" running around in my head*


I *heart* William Shatner. The rogue of the 23rd century, the mad-as-bats Denny Crane of Boston Legal, the implausible singer-songwriter-he's great!
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Fourth Master: Growth

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Star Trek: The Original Series(of Questions) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Star Trek: The Original Series(of Questions)   Star Trek: The Original Series(of Questions) EmptySun Jun 01, 2008 5:54 pm

Number 10 is Warp. Warp core, warp nacelle etc.

Number 8 is money I think ?
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Star Trek: The Original Series(of Questions) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Star Trek: The Original Series(of Questions)   Star Trek: The Original Series(of Questions) EmptySun Jun 01, 2008 6:58 pm

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Star Trek: The Original Series(of Questions) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Star Trek: The Original Series(of Questions)   Star Trek: The Original Series(of Questions) EmptySun Jun 01, 2008 7:07 pm

I can only answer 2 without cheating and it seems Cookie has a different answer on the captain question so I might be at one correct answer. I did not watch the spin-offs though so that is my excuse and I am sticking to it. Also the final episode had a different title I think.
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Star Trek: The Original Series(of Questions) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Star Trek: The Original Series(of Questions)   Star Trek: The Original Series(of Questions) EmptySun Jun 01, 2008 7:55 pm

You're doing well lads. Have a go at the other questions, EvotingMachine, and you can beat cookie's score.
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Star Trek: The Original Series(of Questions) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Star Trek: The Original Series(of Questions)   Star Trek: The Original Series(of Questions) EmptySun Jun 01, 2008 10:25 pm

Oh yeah?
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Star Trek: The Original Series(of Questions) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Star Trek: The Original Series(of Questions)   Star Trek: The Original Series(of Questions) EmptyMon Jun 02, 2008 3:07 am

cookiemonster wrote:
Oh yeah?

Well, I like to give encouragement. I'm also sure you can improve your score as well.
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Star Trek: The Original Series(of Questions) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Star Trek: The Original Series(of Questions)   Star Trek: The Original Series(of Questions) EmptyMon Jun 02, 2008 6:31 pm

Star Trek TOS: The Original Series
Star Trek TNG: The Next Generation
Star Trek DS9: Deep Space 9
Star Trek Voyager
Star Trek Enterprise

How many of the the questions relate to TOS?

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Star Trek: The Original Series(of Questions) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Star Trek: The Original Series(of Questions)   Star Trek: The Original Series(of Questions) EmptyMon Jun 02, 2008 6:51 pm

I have the feeling that Deep Space 9 is much in evidence -not my forte. I like the old ones with the shaky sets and the Greek myth themes.
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Star Trek: The Original Series(of Questions) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Star Trek: The Original Series(of Questions)   Star Trek: The Original Series(of Questions) EmptyMon Jun 02, 2008 8:46 pm

For me, Jean Luc Picard would be an acceptable answer to most things.

Here endeth Kate P's contribution to the Star Trek threads.

So long, and thanks for all the fish.

Very Happy
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Star Trek: The Original Series(of Questions) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Star Trek: The Original Series(of Questions)   Star Trek: The Original Series(of Questions) EmptyMon Jun 02, 2008 9:17 pm

jmcc wrote:
Star Trek TOS: The Original Series
Star Trek TNG: The Next Generation
Star Trek DS9: Deep Space 9
Star Trek Voyager
Star Trek Enterprise

How many of the the questions relate to TOS?


Eh, none, I think, I'll devote questions to it in future questions.
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Star Trek: The Original Series(of Questions) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Star Trek: The Original Series(of Questions)   Star Trek: The Original Series(of Questions) EmptyMon Jun 02, 2008 9:29 pm

Kate P wrote:
For me, Jean Luc Picard would be an acceptable answer to most things.

Here endeth Kate P's contribution to the Star Trek threads.

Oh definitely, Kate P. He's the Captain's captain, a true gent, a Shakespearian of the 24th century and a fine spokesperson for the greatness of Earl Grey tea.

Quote :
So long, and thanks for all the fish.

*splutter* less of that H2G2 stuff in a Star Trek thread!

Quote :
Very Happy

Very Happy to you too.
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Star Trek: The Original Series(of Questions) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Star Trek: The Original Series(of Questions)   Star Trek: The Original Series(of Questions) EmptyMon Jun 02, 2008 9:39 pm

cactus flower wrote:
I have the feeling that Deep Space 9 is much in
evidence -not my forte. I like the old ones with the shaky sets and the
Greek myth themes.
DS9 always struck me as being a bit too much
like Coronation Street or Fair City in space. Smile
TNG was too damned Politically Correct. Voyager was a bit like the
Brady Bunch. TOS and Enterprise were the best. They were about
exploration not preaching.


Last edited by jmcc on Mon Jun 02, 2008 9:44 pm; edited 1 time in total
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Star Trek: The Original Series(of Questions) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Star Trek: The Original Series(of Questions)   Star Trek: The Original Series(of Questions) EmptyMon Jun 02, 2008 9:41 pm

jmcc wrote:
cactus flower wrote:
I have the feeling that Deep Space 9 is much in
evidence -not my forte. I like the old ones with the shaky sets and the
Greek myth themes.
DS9 always struck me as being a bit too much
like Coronation Street or Fair City in space. Smile


Ah now, you can't call the 2 year Dominion War, plus the tussle with the Klingons and the fights with the Maquis amongst others as Fair City/Coronation Street in space!
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Star Trek: The Original Series(of Questions) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Star Trek: The Original Series(of Questions)   Star Trek: The Original Series(of Questions) EmptyMon Jun 02, 2008 9:45 pm

Ard-Taoiseach wrote:
Ah now, you can't call the 2 year Dominion War,
plus the tussle with the Klingons and the fights with the Maquis
amongst others as Fair City/Coronation Street in space!
It is probably more like Emerdale Farm. Smile


Last edited by jmcc on Mon Jun 02, 2008 11:34 pm; edited 1 time in total (Reason for editing : I need a new keybpoard :))
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Star Trek: The Original Series(of Questions) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Star Trek: The Original Series(of Questions)   Star Trek: The Original Series(of Questions) EmptyMon Jun 02, 2008 9:55 pm

jmcc wrote:
Ard-Taoiseach wrote:
Ah now, you can't call the 2 year Dominion War,
plus the tussle with the Klingons and the fights with the Maquis
amongst others as Fair City/Coronation Street in space!
They it is probably more like Emerdale Farm. Smile



Emmerdale Farm, nice!

And Voyager would be like Big Brother, I suppose.
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Star Trek: The Original Series(of Questions) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Star Trek: The Original Series(of Questions)   Star Trek: The Original Series(of Questions) EmptyMon Jun 02, 2008 9:58 pm

Ard-Taoiseach wrote:
And Voyager would be like Big Brother, I
Day 5007 in the Delta Quadrant and Captain Janeway is
in the diary room. Smile

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Star Trek: The Original Series(of Questions) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Star Trek: The Original Series(of Questions)   Star Trek: The Original Series(of Questions) EmptyMon Jun 02, 2008 10:03 pm

jmcc wrote:
Ard-Taoiseach wrote:
And Voyager would be like Big Brother, I
Day 5007 in the Delta Quadrant and Captain Janeway is
in the diary room. Smile



Yep, and it's Stardate 55705.12 8:30 AM *intoned in an implausibly Northern Accent*
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Star Trek: The Original Series(of Questions) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Star Trek: The Original Series(of Questions)   Star Trek: The Original Series(of Questions) Empty

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