If we look at "Collapse" you see that when food supplies dwindled the old kingships and religions were overthrown, the hen houses were built up like Fort Knox and new warrior leaders emerged with a new religion. That seems to be your scenario for the future youngdan and I think we would be very foolish to ignore the possibility. That outcome, that could include the triggering of nuclear war I would consider to be something we should avoid at all costs.
We have some advantages in terms of scientific understanding, technology and birth control techniques that might just give us the edge over the Rapa Nui people of the 17th century. What the article youngdan quoted said was that we have to choose between youngdan's scenario and taking unified and cohesive steps to downsize our impact on the planet, including population control through family spacing (waiting longer to have a child) and contraception.
youngdan I think WACO and other incidents have shown that the lone ranger route to survival hasn't a chance. The way that people can prevent being rolled over by dictatorships is by being better organised and supported on a larger scale than the would-be dictators.