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 World safe from another pretentious artist, thanks America

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World safe from another pretentious artist, thanks America Empty
PostSubject: World safe from another pretentious artist, thanks America   World safe from another pretentious artist, thanks America EmptyFri May 02, 2008 7:25 pm

NEW YORK, May 2 (IPS) - After a four-year legal
battle, a U.S. federal judge has dismissed all charges against an
avant-garde artist who public officials condemned as a bio-terrorist in
a case critics are calling "a persecution, not a prosecution".

The then governor of New York, George Pataki, lauded the work of the
FBI for disrupting a major bioterrorism threat. And the then U.S.
attorney in Buffalo, Michael A. Battle -- the lawyer who was later to
become the Department of Justice employee who notified eight U.S.
attorneys that they were being fired -- praised the work of the Buffalo
Joint Terrorism Task Force.

Last edited by lostexpectation on Sun May 04, 2008 6:10 pm; edited 1 time in total
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World safe from another pretentious artist, thanks America Empty
PostSubject: Re: World safe from another pretentious artist, thanks America   World safe from another pretentious artist, thanks America EmptyFri May 02, 2008 7:38 pm

lostexpectation wrote:

NEW YORK, May 2 (IPS) - After a four-year legal
battle, a U.S. federal judge has dismissed all charges against an
avant-garde artist who public officials condemned as a bio-terrorist in
a case critics are calling "a persecution, not a prosecution".

The then governor of New York, George Pataki, lauded the work of the
FBI for disrupting a major bioterrorism threat. And the then U.S.
attorney in Buffalo, Michael A. Battle -- the lawyer who was later to
become the Department of Justice employee who notified eight U.S.
attorneys that they were being fired
-- praised the work of the Buffalo
Joint Terrorism Task Force.
Is this to do with the Karl Rove case in the George Bush thread ?
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World safe from another pretentious artist, thanks America Empty
PostSubject: Re: World safe from another pretentious artist, thanks America   World safe from another pretentious artist, thanks America EmptySun May 04, 2008 6:08 pm

ill regarded isn't quite the phrase I'd use to replace mine, pretentious perhaps
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World safe from another pretentious artist, thanks America Empty
PostSubject: Re: World safe from another pretentious artist, thanks America   World safe from another pretentious artist, thanks America EmptySun May 04, 2008 6:29 pm

Would you consider it cultural terrorism lostexpectation?

Quote :
The lab was part of the scheduled installation, which would have allowed museum visitors to see if their store bought food contained genetically modified (GM) organisms. The cultures were part of a multi-media project commissioned by the British-based art-science initiative, The Arts Catalyst, and produced in consultation with scientists from the Harvard-Sussex Programme.

The project used the harmless bacteria Bacillus subtilis and Serratia marcescens in an installation, performance, and film dedicated to demystifying issues surrounding germ warfare programmes and their cost to global public health. Some of CAE's work is designed to protest the potential risks of genetically modified (GM) food.
It sounds like political agitprop, rather than art, but the loopers who chased after him sound worse than the artist.
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World safe from another pretentious artist, thanks America Empty
PostSubject: Re: World safe from another pretentious artist, thanks America   World safe from another pretentious artist, thanks America Empty

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World safe from another pretentious artist, thanks America
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