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 Towards a Charter and a Moderation Process

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Towards a Charter and a Moderation Process - Page 4 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Towards a Charter and a Moderation Process   Towards a Charter and a Moderation Process - Page 4 EmptySun Apr 13, 2008 11:22 pm

cactus flower wrote:
cactus flower wrote:

Oh, for sure. I'm no task-master, I like having fun threads and lots of craic and getting into really interesting discussion, but I'm interested in keeping that level of friendly discussion going into the future. As the Machine Nation expands, the small core of original members who keep everything together will have more and more demands put on their attention meaning that some little errrants can slip through and cause trouble. These laws can ensure that we can catch them and put them to rights.

Agreed Ard-Taoiseach: I have been wrecking my head on the following all weekend and feel a little clearer now.

1. Defamation - what is fair comment, proven fact, honest opinion – there is quite a lot written on this –
by CJH on

2. Incitement to hatred Evil or Very Mad – no sources yet
3. Information on shares – does this just relate to named shares ? or general comment like “ I think such and such a bank is in trouble”
4. Obscenity – no idea about this ... Embarassed

I think I have most of the information needed now, but it is stretching over 50 pages and i promised to deliver a concise paragraph...

Well, we need to have a simple, clear and concise set of rules and regulations which are not subject to misinterpretation. On the situation re info on shares, I think a simple sticky on the Business and Finance forum(I could do this now) stating that all discussion herein is based solely on personal opinion and should not be construed as investment advice in any way. Talk to a qualified investment advisor before making financial decisions.

On obscenity, a simple censor sticker like **** is sufficient. Foul language in general and obscenity-strewn posts can be hidden/deleted and poster in question can be PMed to tone down their language. Failure to comply with repeated adivice to tone down language to respectful and civilised discourse should be met with banning. On the other hand, exceptionally courteous, insightful and valuable posters should be rewarded through threads extolling their virtues, personal avatars, new permissions and so on. This can be the carrot to the banning stick.

Incitement to hatred can be included under the broad heading of obscenities. It is virtually impossible to incite to hatred without some form of obscene language. In special cases, a poster can be warned to stop. Failing to comply with this results in a week's suspension and failure to become a respectful and non-inciting poster after this can be dealt with through banning.

Defamation can be dealt with by bringing baldur0300 onto the Content Team and asking his legal advice in times when defamation could be an issue.

Last edited by Ard-Taoiseach on Sun Apr 13, 2008 11:23 pm; edited 1 time in total (Reason for editing : to make my post legible.)
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Towards a Charter and a Moderation Process - Page 4 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Towards a Charter and a Moderation Process   Towards a Charter and a Moderation Process - Page 4 EmptyMon Apr 14, 2008 12:26 am

I found this on the Cedar Lounge(interesting place imo) and it is a quote from Socialist Unity's Moderation Policy, anything we can learn?:

We will delete racist, homophobic, sexist, and derogatory comments about people with physical disabilities or mental distress. Comments will also be deleted that are offensive and insulting about individuals. We will also delete comments by “trolls”, i.e those people whose purpose is to impede debate and who post comments with no regard to the subject matter of debate but whose sole purpose and intention is the baiting of other people

We expect comrades to behave in a comradely and fraternal way and to treat each other with respect. We will moderate comments in a way that a Chair moderates a meeting.
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Towards a Charter and a Moderation Process - Page 4 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Towards a Charter and a Moderation Process   Towards a Charter and a Moderation Process - Page 4 EmptyMon Apr 14, 2008 12:28 am

Ard-Taoiseach wrote:
I found this on the Cedar Lounge(interesting place imo) and it is a quote from Socialist Unity's Moderation Policy, anything we can learn?:

We will delete racist, homophobic, sexist, and derogatory comments about people with physical disabilities or mental distress. Comments will also be deleted that are offensive and insulting about individuals. We will also delete comments by “trolls”, i.e those people whose purpose is to impede debate and who post comments with no regard to the subject matter of debate but whose sole purpose and intention is the baiting of other people

We expect comrades to behave in a comradely and fraternal way and to treat each other with respect. We will moderate comments in a way that a Chair moderates a meeting.

Good enough for the socialists, then its good enough for me.
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Towards a Charter and a Moderation Process - Page 4 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Towards a Charter and a Moderation Process   Towards a Charter and a Moderation Process - Page 4 EmptyMon Apr 14, 2008 12:31 am

cactus flower wrote:
Ard-Taoiseach wrote:
I found this on the Cedar Lounge(interesting place imo) and it is a quote from Socialist Unity's Moderation Policy, anything we can learn?:

We will delete racist, homophobic, sexist, and derogatory comments about people with physical disabilities or mental distress. Comments will also be deleted that are offensive and insulting about individuals. We will also delete comments by “trolls”, i.e those people whose purpose is to impede debate and who post comments with no regard to the subject matter of debate but whose sole purpose and intention is the baiting of other people

We expect comrades to behave in a comradely and fraternal way and to treat each other with respect. We will moderate comments in a way that a Chair moderates a meeting.

Good enough for the socialists, then its good enough for me.

It also dove-tails nicely with Laws 3 and 6-8 in my contribution.
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Towards a Charter and a Moderation Process - Page 4 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Towards a Charter and a Moderation Process   Towards a Charter and a Moderation Process - Page 4 EmptyFri Jun 06, 2008 10:52 am


With the Site Charter up and running and being translated into Irish, moderation policy and practice is next item of business.
If you have any comments or suggestions please would you post them on the Moderation thread, also bumped, but I have bumped this too as there is a lot of relevant discussion on it.
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Towards a Charter and a Moderation Process - Page 4 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Towards a Charter and a Moderation Process   Towards a Charter and a Moderation Process - Page 4 Empty

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