Sorry for not getting back to you Cactus.. I'd say you could get the Confessio as Béarla with a google search.
Fresh from my studying for Friday's exam - here's some similarities between the Confessio and what you get in Exodus
(the Confessio being written to justify his mission in Ireland, linking it to divine providence... providential history as the trend was at the time..)
Patrick: Born Christian but did not know 'the True God'
Exodus: The Jews ignore God
Both are put into enslavement
Patrick is led by a divine message to escape, while the Jews escape thanks to Moses - both are cases of divine intervention
Patrick escapes through the waters and the Jews escape through the Red Sea
Both wander the desert - the Jews for 4 decades and Patrick for 4 weeks
Both miraculously receive food by divine intervention (Manna in the Jews' case, a herd of swine in the case of Patrick after praying)
It's very interesting stuff like.... he had to justify his mission to his superiors and by linking it like this, it is he who is fulfilling OT prophecy, obeying the NT commandment to preach and even finishing the divine mission, by reaching 'the ends of the earth' - that is the fulfillment according to the prophecies and the commandments and it is by his linking like this that he can say it's his mission that it is... savage like