I wrote an obituary about him the night he died, on Indymedia. Unfortunately it got yanked as I practiced a bit of civil disobedience in the writing of it.
Edward is right up there with folks like Einstein and Newton. He was such a shy fellow that his wife Jane used to have to cajole him into talking to people. What he could never put into spoken words, his work put into human consciousness and understanding. It's rare that something so profound can be so beautiful too.
Lorenz caused: “one of the most dramatic changes in mankind’s view of nature since Sir Isaac Newton,” according to the folks who awarded him the 1991 Kyoto Prize for basic sciences.
As Lorenz’s ideas, born in the 60’s, travelled through the 70’s in a chaotic fashion, he brought about a massive change in established thinking. Freeman Dyson, world famous physicist described his ideas as
being “like an electric shock.” Even simple systems like a simple pendulum were shown to be something that weren’t understood in the least or indeed, in the most.
Lorenz, himself like a butterfly beating its wings, witnessed the storm he inspired. Not many will see their work so profoundly change so many. I hope in his passing, he was content.
Veni Vidi Duci