I was listening to Mariane Finucane this morning and there was a priest on the show. He was very agreeable in terms of what he was saying etc. However, I was utterly shocked that he didn't seem able to articulate the child protection policy of his own institution vis-a-vis Garda reference etc. There is the root of your problem. Organisational disaster.
I hate to be critical here but in my Church we have clearly annunciated guidelines. Every single person who is interacting with children must first have Garda clearance. There must always be at least two adults supervising children, there must always be a male and a female adult. We have to keep huge amounts of information, consent forms, medical conditions etc in case of any emergency when kids are on our premises or on a trip away. We must take a record of any accident or anything of that nature which occurs at such an activity. All allegations must be reported to the Gardaí and there is a commitment to keep parents informed at all times. In regard to emotional child protection confidentiality can never be promised to a child under the age of 18, any allegation of improprietary in any regard must be reported to both the Minister and the designated lay person for child protection within the congregation who then have their own mandated procedures which they must follow. We have clearly displayed posters on our premises outlining the child protection policy for all parents to be aware of and a quick reference guide is provided to all adults who are leading groups of children as well as a guide which is given to all children.