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 A new week - Monday 3 November 2008

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A new week - Monday 3 November 2008 Empty
PostSubject: A new week - Monday 3 November 2008   A new week - Monday 3 November 2008 EmptyMon Nov 03, 2008 12:18 pm

Just when hibernation should be setting in, there seems to be a lot of energy in the air. Perhaps its Kate P's Marathon Thread, or perhaps its the US election, with those thousands of early voters keen as mustard to vote, queueing up at the polling stations.

I was at a good seminar all day last Friday and the new ideas are still ricocheting around my brain, stirring things up. The To Do list is long, but I'm ready to be at it. Any little thing that has been roosting at the back of my desk had better watch out: I'm coming for it. bounce

Have a good week everyone. Very Happy
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A new week - Monday 3 November 2008 Empty
PostSubject: Re: A new week - Monday 3 November 2008   A new week - Monday 3 November 2008 EmptyMon Nov 03, 2008 12:50 pm

cactus flower wrote:
Just when hibernation should be setting in, there seems to be a lot of energy in the air. Perhaps its Kate P's Marathon Thread, or perhaps its the US election, with those thousands of early voters keen as mustard to vote, queueing up at the polling stations.

I was at a good seminar all day last Friday and the new ideas are still ricocheting around my brain, stirring things up. The To Do list is long, but I'm ready to be at it. Any little thing that has been roosting at the back of my desk had better watch out: I'm coming for it. bounce

Have a good week everyone. Very Happy

And you too cactus. After a delightful brunch yesterday, I read an article in the Observer, authored by reporters on the New Yorker, talking about the 2 candidates and who they believe should be the next President. Very good stuff and they gave their considered opinion that, for a variety of reasons, Obama would make a better President.

I also listened to the audio interview with Michael Hudson on Jesse's Cafè Americain. (Home page, click on link right). Really trenchant stuff but all very difficult to contradict. He forensically dissects Paulson, the Lehman chairman, both political parties but especially the Republicans, and paints a grim picture for the future of America.

Finally, I started reading "Angler". Know your enemy.
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A new week - Monday 3 November 2008 Empty
PostSubject: Re: A new week - Monday 3 November 2008   A new week - Monday 3 November 2008 EmptyMon Nov 03, 2008 12:58 pm

I heard an interview recently with the author of Angler - seems like a great story...
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A new week - Monday 3 November 2008 Empty
PostSubject: Re: A new week - Monday 3 November 2008   A new week - Monday 3 November 2008 EmptyMon Nov 03, 2008 1:00 pm

Have to say I am not relishing this week to the extent that I usually would. Have to do more applications, have to start studying again for my next set of exams and I have to attend a funeral. Oh well - onward and upwards!! Very Happy
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A new week - Monday 3 November 2008 Empty
PostSubject: Re: A new week - Monday 3 November 2008   A new week - Monday 3 November 2008 EmptyMon Nov 03, 2008 1:19 pm

Kate P wrote:
I heard an interview recently with the author of Angler - seems like a great story...

I bought this, Kate, because I am convinced that almost every decision of significance taken in the Oval Office in the last 8 years contained more input from the de facto President than from the nominal one. I am only a few pages in so far and the tone has been set. The fate of Frank Keating, Governer of Oklahoma, is described in chiilling detail and it makes for unsettling reading. And there is still 350 pages or so to go.
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A new week - Monday 3 November 2008 Empty
PostSubject: Re: A new week - Monday 3 November 2008   A new week - Monday 3 November 2008 EmptyMon Nov 03, 2008 1:24 pm

Sorry to hear you have to attend a funeral, johnfás. Get those applications away early and it's one less thing to worry about.

I'm raring to go this week after a couple of days off, the ironing done, the relations leaving and a trip to the gym this morning to get on with the marathon training. The more I get done in the morning, the better I feel. Trying to get a piece of work done now though and it's taking me far longer than I hoped... But all will be well and all will be well and all manner of things shall be well.

I'm kind of looking forward to this week actually. I'm starting a few new things and am looking forward to it.
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A new week - Monday 3 November 2008 Empty
PostSubject: Re: A new week - Monday 3 November 2008   A new week - Monday 3 November 2008 EmptyMon Nov 03, 2008 1:34 pm

I have to slog out a few essays that I should have done over the break. I was busy labouring on a shed the ould lad decided to build.

The essays are a few thousand words each and they have to be done in no time at all. I actually quite like the whole back-against-the-wall, deadline pending environment.
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A new week - Monday 3 November 2008 Empty
PostSubject: Re: A new week - Monday 3 November 2008   A new week - Monday 3 November 2008 Empty

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A new week - Monday 3 November 2008
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