If it was possible to mainline chocolate, I would be doing it now rather than starting a thread on the topic (inspired by a thread on p.ie - ibis, explain yourself please!).
There are a number of reasons why I'm not snaffling eggs now, cracking the yummy shells between finger and thumb and drooling chocolate drool.
Firstly, like an alcoholic I'm on the wagon. I'm taking it day by day, mixing my metaphors and using hot chocolate as methadone.
Secondly, from the lofty position on my high horse, I made it known years ago that Easter Eggs are part of a conspiracy theory to divest us of our pennies, increase waste, fatten children and avoid the real Meaning of Easter. Donate your Easter Egg budget to charity, I ordered my sisters whose children will get eggs in double figures. Down with Easter Eggs, I said, naively optimistic that the warmth of self-righteousness would replace the trytophan buzz. And so nobody has given me an Easter Egg this year.
Thirdly my local supermarket is not open yet.
Galaxy for choice. Minstrels for preference.
I promise I'll be a good girl tomorrow. I swear I will.