Thanks Kate. You can't leave a comment there but you can rate it. I have a few more but not many and I'll post them up as experiments. They are going for €100 each but you can have a discount cos I know you
The Gallery thing there is a bit too complex for me to figure out all by myself as we can create Categories and Member folders. There's also 10MB space only which is nothing. I have 256MB on my phone and that's nothing these days. However, it may be possible to spend our points of which we have over 10,000 on some more space - I'll have a look later.
So, if anyone wants a Gallery folder please say so but remember space is limited. If anyone wants to suggest a Category into which I assume will be put pics of a particular flavour only then please do. I won't see how this thing works until I experiment with it a bit more.
And one thing I've learned - you can't change the name of your pic once uploaded so name it on your machine
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