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 RE Wanted - Photographers, Graphic Designers, Web Designers, Writers, Angelic Subversives and the Fat Walleted Donors

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RE Wanted - Photographers, Graphic Designers, Web Designers, Writers, Angelic Subversives and the Fat Walleted Donors Empty
PostSubject: RE Wanted - Photographers, Graphic Designers, Web Designers, Writers, Angelic Subversives and the Fat Walleted Donors   RE Wanted - Photographers, Graphic Designers, Web Designers, Writers, Angelic Subversives and the Fat Walleted Donors EmptyThu Jun 05, 2008 8:54 am

I've had a look at recent posts on this thread and am concerned that they may be actionable. I am also worried that some of the more recent posts give a context to previous posts that other posters may not have understood when they responded.

This is with the mod team for a while as a result of those concerns and will be back - or not, or will return in a modified form once those concerns have been thrashed out.

Apologies for any inconvenience.

Kate P, Mod.
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RE Wanted - Photographers, Graphic Designers, Web Designers, Writers, Angelic Subversives and the Fat Walleted Donors Empty
PostSubject: Re: RE Wanted - Photographers, Graphic Designers, Web Designers, Writers, Angelic Subversives and the Fat Walleted Donors   RE Wanted - Photographers, Graphic Designers, Web Designers, Writers, Angelic Subversives and the Fat Walleted Donors EmptyThu Jun 05, 2008 3:08 pm

I'll miss this thread. It was brilliant entertainment - a potential thread of the millenium in fact.
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RE Wanted - Photographers, Graphic Designers, Web Designers, Writers, Angelic Subversives and the Fat Walleted Donors Empty
PostSubject: Re: RE Wanted - Photographers, Graphic Designers, Web Designers, Writers, Angelic Subversives and the Fat Walleted Donors   RE Wanted - Photographers, Graphic Designers, Web Designers, Writers, Angelic Subversives and the Fat Walleted Donors EmptyThu Jun 05, 2008 4:14 pm

Do you think we have anything to fear from it Zhou ? - you were not alone in being amused.
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RE Wanted - Photographers, Graphic Designers, Web Designers, Writers, Angelic Subversives and the Fat Walleted Donors Empty
PostSubject: Re: RE Wanted - Photographers, Graphic Designers, Web Designers, Writers, Angelic Subversives and the Fat Walleted Donors   RE Wanted - Photographers, Graphic Designers, Web Designers, Writers, Angelic Subversives and the Fat Walleted Donors EmptyThu Jun 05, 2008 4:29 pm

cactus flower wrote:
Do you think we have anything to fear from it Zhou ? - you were not alone in being amused.

There isn't a single thing in it that's actionable.
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RE Wanted - Photographers, Graphic Designers, Web Designers, Writers, Angelic Subversives and the Fat Walleted Donors Empty
PostSubject: Re: RE Wanted - Photographers, Graphic Designers, Web Designers, Writers, Angelic Subversives and the Fat Walleted Donors   RE Wanted - Photographers, Graphic Designers, Web Designers, Writers, Angelic Subversives and the Fat Walleted Donors EmptyThu Jun 05, 2008 4:32 pm

In fairness to Kate P, I think she was acting out of humanitarian pity for the thread.
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RE Wanted - Photographers, Graphic Designers, Web Designers, Writers, Angelic Subversives and the Fat Walleted Donors Empty
PostSubject: Re: RE Wanted - Photographers, Graphic Designers, Web Designers, Writers, Angelic Subversives and the Fat Walleted Donors   RE Wanted - Photographers, Graphic Designers, Web Designers, Writers, Angelic Subversives and the Fat Walleted Donors EmptyThu Jun 05, 2008 4:38 pm

But for those of us who don't get Star Trek .... where will we go for innocent pleasure ? alien
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RE Wanted - Photographers, Graphic Designers, Web Designers, Writers, Angelic Subversives and the Fat Walleted Donors Empty
PostSubject: Re: RE Wanted - Photographers, Graphic Designers, Web Designers, Writers, Angelic Subversives and the Fat Walleted Donors   RE Wanted - Photographers, Graphic Designers, Web Designers, Writers, Angelic Subversives and the Fat Walleted Donors EmptyThu Jun 05, 2008 7:38 pm

Well there's two of these threads so you could hang out in the second one!
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RE Wanted - Photographers, Graphic Designers, Web Designers, Writers, Angelic Subversives and the Fat Walleted Donors Empty
PostSubject: Re: RE Wanted - Photographers, Graphic Designers, Web Designers, Writers, Angelic Subversives and the Fat Walleted Donors   RE Wanted - Photographers, Graphic Designers, Web Designers, Writers, Angelic Subversives and the Fat Walleted Donors EmptyThu Jun 05, 2008 7:41 pm

Zhou_Enlai wrote:
Well there's two of these threads so you could hang out in the second one!

And the two threads can come together to make a baby and we can have three theads!
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RE Wanted - Photographers, Graphic Designers, Web Designers, Writers, Angelic Subversives and the Fat Walleted Donors Empty
PostSubject: Re: RE Wanted - Photographers, Graphic Designers, Web Designers, Writers, Angelic Subversives and the Fat Walleted Donors   RE Wanted - Photographers, Graphic Designers, Web Designers, Writers, Angelic Subversives and the Fat Walleted Donors EmptyThu Jun 05, 2008 7:46 pm

A-T, this is getting a bit spooky, the way you sidle up to my desk once the clock hits 5.45pm. It's like that film "The Cable Guy".
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RE Wanted - Photographers, Graphic Designers, Web Designers, Writers, Angelic Subversives and the Fat Walleted Donors Empty
PostSubject: Re: RE Wanted - Photographers, Graphic Designers, Web Designers, Writers, Angelic Subversives and the Fat Walleted Donors   RE Wanted - Photographers, Graphic Designers, Web Designers, Writers, Angelic Subversives and the Fat Walleted Donors EmptyThu Jun 05, 2008 8:21 pm

Zhou_Enlai wrote:
A-T, this is getting a bit spooky, the way you sidle up to my desk once the clock hits 5.45pm. It's like that film "The Cable Guy".

Yes Zhou_Enlai, I'm right behind yooouu!!!

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RE Wanted - Photographers, Graphic Designers, Web Designers, Writers, Angelic Subversives and the Fat Walleted Donors Empty
PostSubject: Re: RE Wanted - Photographers, Graphic Designers, Web Designers, Writers, Angelic Subversives and the Fat Walleted Donors   RE Wanted - Photographers, Graphic Designers, Web Designers, Writers, Angelic Subversives and the Fat Walleted Donors Empty

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RE Wanted - Photographers, Graphic Designers, Web Designers, Writers, Angelic Subversives and the Fat Walleted Donors
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