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 Pigs in space ... the ISS nearly collides with a floating nut

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Pigs in space ... the ISS nearly collides with a floating nut Empty
PostSubject: Pigs in space ... the ISS nearly collides with a floating nut   Pigs in space ... the ISS nearly collides with a floating nut EmptyFri Mar 13, 2009 10:54 am

We need space janitors to mop up all the crap - apparently there are 18000 bits and pieces floating around in space in a halo around the world ...

Pigs in space ... the ISS nearly collides with a floating nut Space_junk_2
ESA-generated pictures posted on a blog

One of the bigger hunks of junk has some bodies floating around inside it though ... and hurtling around the planet at <30,000 miles per hour ???>, they'd be heading for the escape pod if they were to crash into one of those buttons lying around in the heavens ..

Quote :
Junk alert for space station crew

Pigs in space ... the ISS nearly collides with a floating nut _44738643_iss_nasa_466

The crew of the International Space Station has been forced to shelter in the Russian Soyuz capsule after a close call with a piece of space debris. The three crew members are now out of danger and have returned to the ISS, Russian mission control officials told Reuters news agency. Nasa said news of the debris threat had come too late for flight controllers to move the space station out of the way. The scare comes just over a month after two satellites collided over Siberia.

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Pigs in space ... the ISS nearly collides with a floating nut Empty
PostSubject: Re: Pigs in space ... the ISS nearly collides with a floating nut   Pigs in space ... the ISS nearly collides with a floating nut EmptyFri Mar 13, 2009 11:00 am

Huge, Huge Mistake Audi to put that title on the thread. You have no idea what you've unleashed.

I intend to hijack this thread with Muppets as is its rightful fate.

(drat had to delete that - so much for a dramatic ambush. Still can't embed. Will run out the door and return with a less impressive weapon. In true muppet style...)
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Pigs in space ... the ISS nearly collides with a floating nut Empty
PostSubject: Re: Pigs in space ... the ISS nearly collides with a floating nut   Pigs in space ... the ISS nearly collides with a floating nut EmptyFri Mar 13, 2009 11:37 am

Have NASA got any plans to send something up to clear up the mess out there I wonder. There is an awful lot of that junk floating about.
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Fourth Master: Growth

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Registration date : 2008-03-11

Pigs in space ... the ISS nearly collides with a floating nut Empty
PostSubject: Re: Pigs in space ... the ISS nearly collides with a floating nut   Pigs in space ... the ISS nearly collides with a floating nut EmptyFri Mar 13, 2009 12:21 pm

You would imagine all that shiny metal would contribute to global cooling.
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Pigs in space ... the ISS nearly collides with a floating nut Empty
PostSubject: Re: Pigs in space ... the ISS nearly collides with a floating nut   Pigs in space ... the ISS nearly collides with a floating nut EmptyFri Mar 13, 2009 3:56 pm

Nothing to see here - thanks to humour deficient lefties who have completely taken over this place and the rest of the gang are too scared of them - I had posted a sarcastic remark here - but it was about one of the lefts current heroes - I have no doubt if it was about George Bush or the the Billbergers - no comment would have been made and no request made by the thought police to rephrase it.
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Pigs in space ... the ISS nearly collides with a floating nut Empty
PostSubject: Re: Pigs in space ... the ISS nearly collides with a floating nut   Pigs in space ... the ISS nearly collides with a floating nut EmptyFri Mar 13, 2009 5:15 pm

I wouldn't have thought of anyone on this thread as a leftie.
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Pigs in space ... the ISS nearly collides with a floating nut Empty
PostSubject: Re: Pigs in space ... the ISS nearly collides with a floating nut   Pigs in space ... the ISS nearly collides with a floating nut Empty

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Pigs in space ... the ISS nearly collides with a floating nut
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